As the temperatures rise and the sunshine bursts through the clouds on  a more frequent basis our skin begins to go though some changes. The warmth and humidity that summer brings with it  can have a noticeable effect on the way your skin looks and feels. We have already covered  sunscreens, vitamin C serums and how to prevent  hyperpigmentation in previous articles. Now let’s  dive deeper into what a summer does to your skin  and how to keep your skin fresh and glowing all  summer long. 

I like to believe that summer starts with  Memorial Day weekend, aka Opening Weekend  of Tanning Season, and ends with Labor Day  weekend. During these months I change my  skincare routine from what I use during all other  months. Granted, I live in Houston, Texas where  the relative humidity is in the 80% range on  average all year long so if you live in a place  where all four seasons actually happen, you need  to change it up. The first thing that starts to  happen as the temperatures rise is that the  sebaceous glands start producing more sebum — that is the natural oil on your skin. All of us have  different levels of what that looks like depending  on our skin type but generally, it is worse in the  summer. The best way to kickstart your skin every  morning is a good oil control cleanser. Look for a  product that contains a little bit of salicylic acid  and is free of alcohol. If you just really love your  cleanser and don’t want to switch, then look to  add a gentle toner to your routine after cleansing.  This will get your day started with fresh clean skin  minus the oily buildup. A good gentle exfoliation  using a scrub for the evenings is always a great  way to end your day outdoors too. Be sure to find  a scrub that is suited for your skin type and never  massage too hard. 

Once you have applied your other hydrating  serums or Vitamin C, then you absolutely must  apply a form of SPF. Please do not be fooled into  thinking that makeup is somehow going to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. If  you are out on the range and sweating a lot, or  out swimming, it is imperative that you reapply the sunscreen every hour. If you start to feel a  stinging sensation or you begin to feel the heat of  the sun, that means you need to reapply  sunscreen. A mistake I often see, and commit  myself, is forgetting to protect the lips. The skin  on your lips is equally sensitive to the suns rays  and can dry out and crack if not cared for. One  of my favorite products is Burt’s Bees  

Moisturizing Lip Balm ($4.39). They make an  all-weather version that has SPF 15 that will  ensure no damage is done to your lips. If you are  looking for a little bit of color and plumping,  Luxe Beauty has a product called Luxe Lips  ($39), that contains plumping hyaluronic acid  and brings a nice fleshy tone to the surface while  protecting your lips with SPF. 

While we are on the topic of lips, when you  experience dry or cracked lips it is a clear  indication of dehydration. Hydration is the most  important part of a healthy body and skin, but I  wanted to save it for last because it is the topic  people seem to want to hear the least about. In  my facial practice, I have clients that complain to  me all the time about how much they don’t like  drinking water. They struggle to drink enough  water during the day and would much rather  drink something else. If you are experiencing  some symptoms of dehydrated skin and just can’t  force yourself to drink more water then look for a  facial mist to carry with you. Evian makes a  wonderful product called Evian Facial Spray ($8),  that comes in a perfect pocket size.  

Remember ladies, skin care is self care. If you  want beautiful skin then all you have to do is take  care of it and it will take care of you. You don’t  need the most expensive products or to spend an  hour a day on this. Just find what works for you  and stick with it. Your body and skin crave  routine so the more consistent you are, the better  your skin will feel and look.