
Moisture Madness

Moisture Madness

Baby it’s cold outside… Well maybe not for our friends in South Florida, however, during these winter months our skin goes through many changes. The drier and colder climate can dry us out like  the desert. What do we do? Most of us apply  some sort of moisturizer to...

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Skincare Made Simple

Skincare Made Simple

As an esthetician I have seen faces young and old. I have seen women come in almost in tears because they feel so frustrated that their skin isn’t looking the way they would like. Their issues vary  from mild to moderate acne, hyperpigmentation,  dry skin, oily skin,...

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Sunburns. Just No.

Sunburns. Just No.

Shoulder burn. The worst possible thing  you could do to your skin. The most  dreaded feeling after a long day on the  range in a tank top, on the lake in a bathing suit, or even just doing yard work at  home. The heat. The sting. The burn. Pain every  time you put on...

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At my salon, I see a lot of women who struggle with discoloration, also known as hyperpigmentation. These patches of darker skin are typically caused by one of three things: sun damage, acne  scars exposed to sun, and hormone fluctuations particularly during...

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Summer Skincare

Summer Skincare

As the temperatures rise and the sunshine bursts through the clouds on  a more frequent basis our skin begins to go though some changes. The warmth and humidity that summer brings with it  can have a noticeable effect on the way your skin looks and feels. We have...

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